Friday, April 3, 2009

Spring Break 2009

Most of you know already, we spent spring break in Florida with Sarah, Ronnie and the boys. We went to Seaworld and Disney, celebrated Sarah's birthday..had a blast, but glad to be home to rest up. Here's some pics of our great time. Evan is the perfect age for Disney and Jack was really a good big brother helping him to learn the ropes. They really behaved well, not much fighting and a lot of fun.
While Disney was fun, we had the most fun at Seaworld. Really changed since we were there last. Sarah was 4 (26 years ago)! They now have "interactive" attractions, one of them was the stingray pond. We fed them ($9 for about 8 sardines--what a rip-off), these little guys got really excited when they smelled the food and they jumped out of the water, fun. We later found out that you were supposed to put your hand on the bottom and hold the fish in your palm and they would suck it off your hand---not us, we stuck the fishy up their noses. What did we know, we're from Indiana and it looked like a mouth to us! Funny...
We also went to the Seaworld Aquatica Waterpark, highly recommended.

Don't we look cool...these are the "shades" we got a Disney to watch the 3D Mickey Movie..really cute.

Boy time sure flies, when you're having life! I can't believe it's been so long since I've posted a blog update. Maria, I have a whole new admiration for your diligence to post EVERYDAY!!! I don't know how you do it--especially with a 2 year old and another one on the way. I'm gonna try to do better :) D