Friday, January 9, 2009

Belated Christmas!!

What a night! Last evening I was accompanied by my lovely daughter to see the play "Wicked" at Ky Center for Arts. This was part of my Christmas gift. For Christmas she also gave me the paperback, from which this play was adapted.

I read the book before the play, not one of my favorites and a difficult read--and I love to read, but felt myself wading through it. I was not very hopeful for the play, I couldn't imagine how they would adapt this book to a stage, and knew Sarah had spent all she could afford to take me. Boy, was I pleasantly surprised...this is by far one of the best plays I have ever seen. I have had the pleasure of seeing many great performances on stages in London and New York (Color Purple, Sunset Blvd)...and this one has taken the lead as my all time favorite! Sarah and I even talked about trekking to NYC to see it again on Broadway! The costumes are fantastic, and the performance by "Glinda" and "Elfaba" are stellar. If you get the chance, go see it.

Check out the trailer here.

Thanks for a wonderful Christmas gift from my lovely daughter! love ya.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't realize you had a blog. If it is ok with you I would like to add you to my list of Blogs I Like so I can click right on and see your blog.

    Welcome to the blog world!
