Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Cold in Indiana and Bella does the spa!

Well today is Wednesday already, I think :) and it's cold and snowy in Indiana. Really dislike cold weather, and wonder why I live in Indiana at times like this! But, I am close to my grand babies and my mother (in-law), and unless they all want to migrate south at the same time, I think we're here to stay. So I'll just bundle up if/when I need to go outside and bear it.

I am going outside more since I have brought my doggie home (Bella), somebody's gotta walk her. Bella has summered at my daughters house with her lab, Coco, in their fenced in yard while we remodeled our new house. They even had a pool (granted it was a plastic kiddie pool, but it held water and they loved it!)

I know Louise loves us and welcomed us to her basement for the summer, but I don't think she would have ok'd the dog. Bella was so glad to finally come home and be treated like a human again, she is on her best behavior--oh yeah, she sleeps with us too. She snores.

She has not chewed forbidden items yet (other than the pesky insight bill last night, and a tassle from a designer pillow), but I did catch her chewing on my brand new dining room chair leg...I don't think she'll do that again. I did get a little bent out of shape over that.

Bella is at the dog beauty parlor right now for a BBN (bath,brush,nail) treatment. Here's a picture of her when we first got her as a baby. I'll post a current one when we pick her up this afternoon. She is cute.

Bella after her day at the spa...she's growing up and out!


And this is Evan's idea of play....watering the puppy

She has grown so much and is so fat. While at Sarah's she had free run of the dogfood bag, they bought the cheapest dogfood on sale, left the entire 25 lb bag in the garage and Coco would go and eat what she wanted a couple times a day. Bella, however, would rip the bottom of the bag open, fill the garage floor with food and wallow and eat all day...every day. She is huge, now on a diet and gets 4 cups of food a day, period.

Can't wait to see/smell her when she gets done. (She smells good :)

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