Friday, January 16, 2009

Something like bowling....

Last night was my first attempt at competitive bowling in about 15-20 years...what a hoot! Our church and another church in town formed a bowling league and about 40 of us get together on Thursdays to have a good time. I ended the evening with a handicap of 91, which was almost as high as one of the games I bowled. What a great time of fellowship and laughter, sweet. Trying to throw a 10 lb ball for 3 hours will remind you of your age, and I made sure to take my Ibupropen before I left home. Good thing I did.

Although the anniversaries, birthdays and aching joints reminds me that life is fleeting, and we are here but for a moment, this aging brings with it the realization of the good gifts of life: my family, my sweet grandsons, my contentment and a closer walk with Jesus. "Oh how great is thy goodness, which thou hast laid up for them that fear thee; which thou has wrought for them that trust in thee before the sons of men!" Ps31:10

To those of you caring for aging parents or becoming one, check out this beautiful message.
Bring kleenex...

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